Violence Against Women
Relevant for sociology optional Paper- 2 (Unit- 13 : Social Changes in India)

Violence against women is a global issue that affects women of all ages, races, and social backgrounds. In India, violence against women is particularly prevalent, with reports of sexual assault, domestic violence, and harassment occurring on a regular basis. Despite efforts to combat this problem, such as the introduction of laws and government initiatives, violence against women remains a significant problem in India.
One of the most pressing forms of violence against women in India is sexual assault. According to a 2019 report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), there were 32,033 cases of rape reported in India that year, with an average of 88 rapes occurring every day. It is important to note, however, that many cases of sexual assault go unreported due to fear of stigma and retaliation. Additionally, the majority of sexual assault cases in India are perpetrated by someone known to the victim, such as a family member, friend, or neighbor. This highlights the urgent need for awareness-raising initiatives and education on consent and healthy relationships.
Domestic violence is another form of violence against women that is prevalent in India. According to a survey conducted by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) in 2019-20, 30% of ever-married women aged 15-49 years have experienced physical violence by their husbands at some point in their lives. Furthermore, 31% of ever-married women aged 15-49 years have experienced emotional violence by their husbands, such as verbal abuse or humiliation. Domestic violence is often underreported, as many women may feel ashamed or afraid to speak out. Additionally, traditional gender roles and societal expectations may reinforce the idea that a husband has the right to discipline his wife.
Harassment and discrimination against women is another pervasive form of violence in India. Women may experience sexual harassment in public spaces such as streets, markets, and public transportation. This can include lewd comments, groping, and even assault. Workplace harassment is also common, with women facing sexual advances, verbal abuse, and discrimination based on their gender. In 2013, the Indian government passed the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, which requires all workplaces to have a committee in place to address complaints of sexual harassment. However, many women are still hesitant to come forward and report harassment due to fear of retaliation or not being taken seriously.
There are several factors that contribute to the prevalence of violence against women in India. One major factor is gender inequality, which is deeply ingrained in Indian society. Women are often viewed as inferior to men and are subjected to discrimination and abuse as a result. Additionally, patriarchal attitudes and cultural norms reinforce the idea that women should be submissive and obedient to men. This can make it difficult for women to assert their rights and stand up against violence and harassment.
Another factor is the lack of access to justice for victims of violence against women. Many women do not report incidents of violence or harassment due to a lack of faith in the justice system. The judicial process can be lengthy and complex, and many women do not have the resources or support to navigate it. Additionally, there is a widespread belief that the police and judicial system are biased against women, which can further discourage victims from coming forward.
Efforts to combat violence against women in India have been ongoing for many years. The Indian government has introduced several laws and initiatives aimed at protecting women and promoting gender equality. In 2013, the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act was passed, which increased penalties for sexual offenses and expanded the definition of rape to include acts such as penetration with any object. The government has also launched several initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality, such as the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (Save the Girl Child, Educate the Girl Child) campaign, which aims to promote the education and empowerment of girls. The Nirbhaya Fund, launched in 2013, provides financial support for initiatives aimed at enhancing the safety and security of women in public spaces. The government has also established special courts to hear cases of violence against women and has launched a helpline (181) for women in distress.
However, despite these efforts, violence against women in India remains a pervasive problem. Many activists and experts believe that more needs to be done to address the root causes of this issue. This includes promoting gender equality in all aspects of life, from education and employment to social and cultural norms. Additionally, there is a need for greater awareness and education on issues such as consent and healthy relationships, which can help prevent incidents of violence and harassment before they occur.
In conclusion, violence against women is a serious issue in India that requires urgent attention and action. Sexual assault, domestic violence, and harassment are all forms of violence that can have a profound impact on women’s lives and well-being. Efforts to combat this problem must focus on promoting gender equality, empowering women, and providing support and justice for victims of violence. While progress has been made in recent years, more needs to be done to ensure that women in India are able to live their lives free from fear and violence.
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