The Protection of Civil Rights Act Relevant for sociology optional Paper- 2 & GS Mains Paper- 2 The Protection of Civil Rights Act (PCRA) is…
Issues related to Scheduled Tribes Relevant for sociology optional Paper- 2 & GS Mains Paper- 2 Scheduled Tribes (STs) in India are one of the…
Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Relevant for sociology optional Paper- 2 & GS Mains Paper- 2 Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes…
Constitution, Law & Social Changes Relevant for sociology optional Paper- 2 (Unit- 13 : Social Changes in India) The Constitution of a country is the…
Concepts- Equality. Inequality, Hierarchy, Exclusion, Poverty & Deprivation Relevant for sociology optional Paper- 1 (Unit- 5 : Sociology- Stratification & Mobility) The concepts of equality,…